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and a few answers.

Do you choose the questions?

If you like, you, or whoever books the session on your behalf, can give us areas of particular interest.  Otherwise, with skillful conversational tools, it will take a natural course.  Examples of some questions that might be asked are:

  • What do you remember about your grandparents?

  • Who would you consider the wisest person you've known?

  • What was your wedding like?

  • What was the first time you flew on an airplane?

  • What is your most cherished possession...and why?

  • What fascinated you as a child?

How long is the interview?

Up to 90 minutes.  If you know in advance that you'd like more time than that, it can be purchased in half hour increments.

Do you offer video?

No, we specialize in audio recording. To produce high quality video requires very expensive equipment, and at least one additional person present to man the camera and microphones. We want everyone to be able to afford to do an audio oral history, and video would make it cost prohibitive.

What happens if I "miss" a question?

There's no such thing! If the conversation doesn't flow easily on a particular topic, we'll change it.

Can I have another person interviewed at the same time?

One-on-one interviews are the best approach. Even if you're an identical twin, have been married for 50 years, or grew up in the same household, your story is YOURS alone.  Each person will have different recollections and perceptions and should tell their own story.

What will I receive? 


 Within three weeks, you'll receive:

  • A link to the downloadable audio file

  • A USB thumb drive with the same files

  • A CD with the same files

  • A 8-1/2" x 11" spiral bound transcript of the interview (with 90 minute interview package)

  • Option to purchase a hardcover book (allow four weeks)

My question isn't here.

Drop us an email on the Contact page. We'd love to talk to you.

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